Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Here's To the New Year 2011

Happy New Year! Don't you just love when you can say that and actually believe that this year will be full of new beginnings, more exercising, less chocolate eating, and happier work days? Odds are, not too much about our personalities and lifestyle habits will change too drastically. At least, that's the way it has panned out in my life. However, I feel that this time of year is such a joyful time. People feel as if they are capable of anything. This is the optimism that we need throughout the year to be able to realistically reach the goals we make for ourselves. It seems to me, though, that it easily dwindles and eventually disappears the minute things get tough. It is so easy to give up on aspirations when our lives aren't going perfectly. Change is already an extremely difficult feat for most people. Why, though, is change so difficult? Change places us out of our comfort zone. We are so in tuned with our ways of life, our ways of coping with things thrown our way. I know that I find it very hard to break the ways that I choose to deal with issues. However, I think that some change is good, and down right healthy. We must be willing to change if we want to grow and evolve in this ever-changing world. We can move mountains if we want...or we can just stay the same, never open ourselves to new ideas, and stay the same person for the rest of our lives. I must add, as much as I think that change is great for oneself, I do think that there are things that simply "work" for us. The things that make you "you," that shouldn't be changed at all. Moving forward, I want to really apply myself this year to obtaining the goals that I set for myself. I want to begin building a better me. Although there will be many, many times where I will want to give up, and times that I WILL give up, I am going to try. Trying is all I can ask of myself, and subsequently, that is all I ask from everyone else. I think that this is the best start to a new year that there can be: knowing that everyone is at least TRYING to improve. Good luck!