Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Day

When reflecting on the true and complete meaning behind Mother's Day, I can not help but to fill my eyes with tears. For I am so in love with my mother. The thing is, not only is my mother an extraordinary mother, she is also my best friend, my loudest cheerleader, my favorite cook, an all star special education teacher, my shoulder to sob on, my ear to complain into, my dog's favorite and most loving babysitter, and the hand that picks me up when I have fallen desperate and weak. The joy and comfort that I feel when I am able to be around her resonates into a beautiful fog which brightens even the saddest of my times. As a tear drop falls onto my keypad, I realize that everything she does for me is simply because she loves me. Plain and simple. That is it. She does everything she does just because she loves me, and that is something that I only hope to aspire when I become a mother. I have yelled at her. I have cussed at her. I have sworn never to speak to her. I have done all these things, yet she still views me as worthy of her undivided, consuming, ever growing love and affection, of which no one can take away from her. My mother is my hero, and I wish nothing but infinite happiness, love and support for her years to come. It is my prayer that people of the world, near and far, can enjoy such a feeling with their mothers. The world would not be as wonderful of a place without mothers like these. Without explanation, they can turn your darkest days into blue. Even though they may not always be around, somehow they are "there." I know my mother will always be with me, no matter where I am, no matter how many miles away, or how many seas in between us. She stays with me. She is my mother. Happy Mother's Day to all, and especially to my mother, Janice.