Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Day At The Park

The screeching swing set in the distance creates a perfect rhythm in my mind
as the disgruntled old man walks by ringing his bicycle bell repeatedly, over, and over, and over

The smell of grass warms my soul
until it is interrupted by the scent of burning tobacco floating my way from across the field

The birds surround me, make me feel at home
The tree shades me as it wraps its long arms around me, telling me, "Breathe child, breathe in the splendid autumn air."

My mind is a wildfire, spreading and consuming my every thought as if it would contaminate my whole being
Until something whispers softly in my ear and says, "It's ok, let go. Just let go."

And just as slowly and quaintly as the tiny whisper of truth hit my ears, I let my mind go
My thoughts escape, my trivial head is opened, and the gift of solitude pours down like a sun beam bursting through a haze of gray

I watch the leaves slowly fall, bouncing and dancing in the sunlight, making for the most wondrous of paintings in my view

The cool breeze chills my skin just as quickly as the mid-western sun sends warming clouds of sunlight through the branches to brighten my face
A squint is needed for only a moment, until once again the orange sphere graciously slides behind the clouds

My humblest companion lies beside me, enthralled with the fluttering of the birds and squirrels
In his eyes I see joyous rays 

The hum of the train comes closer and closer until the whistle sounds, breaking my concentration, but only for a moment

Green, yellow, orange, and red colored foliage awakens my senses to the changing of the seasons
And the dismembered bark seems to tell a story

With as few treasures as my book, a blanket, and a loyal furry friend, my day at the park is complete
And alas, I feel free