Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October 12, 2010

     Today I received some very exciting news about my dear friend Michael Lyons. He has been sick for a week with pneumonia in both lungs, and has been on a ventilator for days. There was a point when the doctors said that he could "go either way." Slowly, they weened him off of the vent, and today he is standing on his own two feet. Through many prayers and anxious updates, this joyful event presents one annoyingly persistent thought, are there such things as miracles?
     I have always been one to have a high and confident relationship with spirituality. Or should I say, with my own spirituality. Because let's face it, no two peoples' is the same now is it? After much contemplation, I have come to determine that spirituality is what you make it. I definitely do not agree in whole group worshiping. Why would you believe something just because you are taught to? If each person is created differently, and "that's the way it is supposed to be," then why would a person conform to the beliefs of everyone else? While persevering through the most agonizing and disappointing times in my life, I finally accepted that I needed to configure my own beliefs in a way that they work for me. ME, and only me. I truly think that if every individual would form a relationship with his spirituality (whether it be with God, a higher power, or what ever he may believe in) that is unique and meaningful, it would empower people one by one and make our lives a much happier thing. To be able to find some sort of happiness in every moment of our lives is a great feat, but is well worth it. To not place doubts on our spiritual guidance in times of terror would be nearly impossible. However, if we can mold it to fit our lives, individually, we can find positivity in negativity. We can find hope where there is said to be none left to ponder. We can find joy in the worst pain imaginable. We can be better people in general. Why? Because we believe what we believe for a reason, and for reasons no one else needs to know.
       Since I have become a little off subject, let me get back to miracles. Do I believe in miracles? Well, let's see. I believe that there is a higher power. For me, I have to think this is true, otherwise I would have nothing to accredit works of true mystery. Sure, it could be scientific. Sure, it could be a fluke. Isn't that the definition of a miracle anyway? A great happening understood to be proven by no scientific evidence. In other words (a fluke).
        As much as I wish I could answer my own question, I am honestly stumped. All I know is that I will never give up hope or faith. These things make us stronger and much more peaceful, regardless if they truly exist or not. So here's to miracles, what ever they really are.

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