Monday, October 25, 2010

I Trust You

Trust. Why is it so hard to trust? Trust is an issue that many, many people have problems consuming. It is the epitome of a deal breaker, in any sort of relationship. I have never been a person to question peoples' intentions. Apparently that's a good, and a bad thing. I have found that trust is one of the most important things to have and that we should cherish wherever it can be found. A person whom you can truly, unconditionally, enjoyably, and respectfully trust will always prove to be the greatest asset. This does not transfer to the best friend who is trustworthy most of the time, but is neglectful with change of the seasons. This feeling comes from the ones who will always be waiting when it is your time to stand up. The ones to whom you can confide mountains. The ones to whom you wish the deepest amounts of pure and utter happiness for lifetimes to come. It is such an intense and overwhelming gratitude that I feel toward the family and friends that I can trust with every inch of myself. I trust them with my heart, I trust them with my soul, my feelings, my mistakes, and my successes. Although we all occasionally get burned by those who we THOUGHT we trusted with our concerns, secrets, etc., I believe we must prevail forward toward the next great person who might walk into our lives. There are definitely people out there who will hurt us, deep, deep down inside where it feels like the bleeding just ceases to stop. Nevertheless, there are those who will come to brighten our souls like never before. Those who will willingly and reciprocally give whatever it takes to make a beautifully blossoming relationship with us. We must not carry over the things that have broken us in the past. I must move forward with open arms, open eyes, and I must be open to trust; open to trust those who cross my path. The eye opening experience that can come from instilling my trust in people, although at times may seem unbearably risky, can only enlighten my one time experience that I have been given to relate, enjoy, and genuinely appreciate the people in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl! It's aunt Mel! I am Tigga! You should be a writer! I enjoy reading your posts. I agree with them whole-heartedly. This one especially. It's hard to trust people, but as you said, it's all about taking risks and the risk is worth it all when it results in having another person in your life you can trust. Keep up the great work girl and thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, fears and triumphs and evenmoreso, your revelations and epiphanies. I'm so proud of you for having he visceral fortitude to share with the world. Love ya girl!
